Mahamudra and Related Instructions: Core Teachings of the Kagyu Schools (Library of Tibetan Classics)

By Unknown Author.

Mahamudra and Related Instructions: Core Teachings of the Kagyu Schools (Library of Tibetan Classics)


The Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism began in the eleventh century with such renowned figures as Marpa and Milarepa, and its seminal meditative traditions are Mahamudra and the six Dharmas of Naropa. Mahamudra teachings focus on the cultivation of profound insight into the nature of the mind. The Mahamudra texts in this volume include a lucid work by the celebrated master Tsele Natsok Rangdrol and works by the twelfth-century master Shang Rinpoche, the great Third Karmapa, the Eighth Tai Situ, and Drukpa Pema Karpo. The volume also contains an inspirational work by Gampopa, the Drigung Kagy...




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